I Hope You Dance

In ten years I’ll probably be telling my curious children about the infamous pandemic we endured in 2020. I’ll explain how corona caused the world to basically shut down for several months. Today you can find me sitting on my couch in my pajamas, eating cereal as I alternate between tv shows. It’s a weird time, to say the least. I was supposed to be graduating from my first year at the Ramp School of Ministry. My friends and I should be celebrating around bonfires but instead, we’ve all split ways sooner than we expected. And if I’m being honest I am bummed over all the canceled plans and unsolicited change.

white ceramic cup on saucer

I’m a planner, okay? Sometimes when plans fall through I lose my cool. I have found that I don’t handle transitioning too well. Instead of seeing the adventure, I tend to see the unknown. I may not know what the future looks like but I will think about it until I cry. You feel me? Here’s what I do know, in life, we have the choice to let life rule us or we choose to rule it. I might not be able to control everything in my life but I can choose what I allow to affect me. So you know what I did? I danced. I blared Lennon Stella’s new album through my google home mini and I danced around my kitchen. It felt silly at first but then my worries dissipated into twirls and I couldn’t help but wonder why I didn’t do this more.

I want to be the kind of person who doesn’t take life too seriously. Someone who enjoys the highs and lows of life. I’m learning that I might not be wired that way and that’s okay. I can start with baby steps and choose to see the beauty of the moment. That might look like pouring another bowl of cereal or sitting outside with a cup of tea, watching the rain. I just want to let the weight of the world melt off my shoulders. After all, it’s not my weight to carry.

Life is an unpredictable thing. It sure is a wild ride. I hope you can be inspired to be in the moment. Let the things out of your control go and allow the chips to fall where they may. I hope you dance.


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